
Performs regular pattern matching over a sequence of rows

PlaidCloud expressions and filters provide use of most non-administrative Apache MADLib methods. Apache MADLib methods are accessed by prefixing the standard method name with func.madlib..


madlib.path('eventlog', 'path_output', 'session_id', 'event_timestamp ASC', 'buy:=page=''CHECKOUT''', '(buy)', 'sum(revenue) as checkout_rev', TRUE);

In PlaidCloud Expressions & Filters

func.madlib.path('eventlog', 'path_output', 'session_id', 'event_timestamp ASC', "buy:=page='CHECKOUT'", '(buy)', 'sum(revenue) as checkout_rev', True)

External References

Apache MADLib Official Documentation for this method can be found here.

Additional capabilities and usage examples can be found in the Apache MADLib documentation.

Last modified March 11, 2024 at 3:25 PM EST: Creation of the expression expression library (3110a17)