Checks whether a specified path exists in JSON data.

Analyze Syntax

func.json_path_exists(<json_data>, <json_path_expression)

Analyze Example

func.json_path_exists(parse_json('{"a": 1, "b": 2}'), '$.a ? (@ == 1)'), func.json_path_exists(parse_json('{"a": 1, "b": 2}'), '$.a ? (@ > 1)')
       Item 1     Item 2    
       True       False     

SQL Syntax

JSON_PATH_EXISTS(<json_data>, <json_path_expression>)
  • json_data: Specifies the JSON data you want to search within. It can be a JSON object or an array.

  • json_path_expression: Specifies the path, starting from the root of the JSON data represented by $, that you want to check within the JSON data. You can also include conditions within the expression, using @ to refer to the current node or element being evaluated, to filter the results.

Return Type

The function returns:

  • true if the specified JSON path (and conditions if any) exists within the JSON data.
  • false if the specified JSON path (and conditions if any) does not exist within the JSON data.
  • NULL if either the json_data or json_path_expression is NULL or invalid.

SQL Examples

SELECT JSON_PATH_EXISTS(parse_json('{"a": 1, "b": 2}'), '$.a ? (@ == 1)');


SELECT JSON_PATH_EXISTS(parse_json('{"a": 1, "b": 2}'), '$.a ? (@ > 1)');




SELECT JSON_PATH_EXISTS(parse_json('{"a": 1, "b": 2}'), NULL);
