Checks if the input value is a JSON object.

Analyze Syntax


Analyze Example

func.is_object(func.parse_json('{"a":"b"}')), func.is_object(func.parse_json('["a","b","c"]'))
 func.is_object(func.parse_json('{"a":"b"}'))   func.is_object(func.parse_json('["a","b","c"]')) 
 true                                           false                                            

SQL Syntax

IS_OBJECT( <expr> )

Return Type

Returns true if the input JSON value is a JSON object, and false otherwise.

SQL Examples

  IS_OBJECT(PARSE_JSON('{"a":"b"}')), -- JSON Object
  IS_OBJECT(PARSE_JSON('["a","b","c"]')); --JSON Array

 is_object(parse_json('{"a":"b"}'))  is_object(parse_json('["a","b","c"]')) 
 true                                false                                  
Last modified June 12, 2024 at 4:51 PM EST: adding JSON method updates (a7607f7)