Returns true if the string <expr> matches the regular expression specified by the <pattern>, false otherwise.

Analyze Syntax


Analyze Examples

With an input table of:
| my_clothes      |
| plaid pants     |
| plaid hat       |
| plaid shirt     |
| shoes           |

| my_clothes.regexp_match('p*') |
| true                          |
| true                          |
| true                          |
| false                         |

SQL Syntax

<expr> REGEXP <pattern>


SQL Examples

SELECT 'databend' REGEXP 'd*', 'databend' RLIKE 'd*';

 ('databend' regexp 'd*')  ('databend' rlike 'd*') 
 true                      true                    
Last modified April 01, 2024 at 11:19 AM EST: wip (1bb56e9)