Converts an expression to a date, including:

  • Converting a timestamp-format string to a date: Extracts a date from the given string.

  • Converting an integer to a date: Interprets the integer as the number of days before (for negative numbers) or after (for positive numbers) the Unix epoch (midnight on January 1, 1970). Please note that a Date value ranges from 1000-01-01 to 9999-12-31. PlaidCloud Lakehouse would return an error if you run "SELECT TO_DATE(9999999999999999999)".

  • Converting a string to a date using the specified format: The function takes two arguments, converting the first string to a date based on the format specified in the second string. To customize the date and time format in PlaidCloud Lakehouse, specifiers can be used. For a comprehensive list of supported specifiers, see Formatting Date and Time.


Analyze Syntax

func.to_date('<string>', '<format>')

Analyze Examples

func.typeof(func.to_date('2022-01-02')), func.typeof(func.str_to_date('2022-01-02'))

 func.typeof(func.to_date('2022-01-02'))  func.typeof(func.str_to_date('2022-01-02')) 
 DATE                                     DATE                                        

SQL Syntax

-- Convert a timestamp-format string

-- Convert an integer

-- Convert a string using the given format
TO_DATE('<string>', '<format>')


Return Type

The function returns a date in the format "YYYY-MM-DD":

SELECT TYPEOF(TO_DATE('2022-01-02')), TYPEOF(STR_TO_DATE('2022-01-02'));

 typeof(to_date('2022-01-02'))  typeof(str_to_date('2022-01-02')) 
 DATE                           DATE                              

To convert the returned date back to a string, use the DATE_FORMAT function:

SELECT DATE_FORMAT(TO_DATE('2022-01-02')) AS dt, TYPEOF(dt);

     dt      typeof(dt) 
 2022-01-02  VARCHAR    

SQL Examples

SQL Examples 1: Converting a Timestamp-Format String

SELECT TO_DATE('2022-01-02T01:12:00+07:00'), STR_TO_DATE('2022-01-02T01:12:00+07:00');

 to_date('2022-01-02t01:12:00+07:00')  str_to_date('2022-01-02t01:12:00+07:00') 
 2022-01-01                            2022-01-01                               

SELECT TO_DATE('2022-01-02'), STR_TO_DATE('2022-01-02');

 to_date('2022-01-02')  str_to_date('2022-01-02') 
 2022-01-02             2022-01-02                

SQL Examples 2: Converting an Integer


 to_date(1)  str_to_date(1)  to_date((- 1))  str_to_date((- 1)) 
    Date          Date            Date              Date        
 1970-01-02  1970-01-02      1969-12-31      1969-12-31         

SQL Examples 3: Converting a String using the Given Format

SELECT TO_DATE('12/25/2022','%m/%d/%Y'), STR_TO_DATE('12/25/2022','%m/%d/%Y');

 to_date('12/25/2022', '%m/%d/%y')  str_to_date('12/25/2022', '%m/%d/%y') 
 2022-12-25                         2022-12-25                            
Last modified June 12, 2024 at 9:53 PM EST: updating datetime functions (f087f54)