import FunctionDescription from '@site/src/components/FunctionDescription';

Returns the quotient by dividing the first number by the second one. Returns NULL if the second number is 0 or NULL.

See also:

Analyze Syntax

func.divnull(<numerator>, <denominator>)

Analyze Examples

func.divnull(20, 6), func.divnull(20, 0), func.divnull(20, null)

 func.divnull(20, 6) func.divnull(20, 0)  func.divnull(20, null) 
 3.3333333333333335  NULL                 NULL                   

SQL Syntax

DIVNULL(<number1>, <number2>)

SQL Examples

  DIVNULL(20, 6),
  DIVNULL(20, 0),

   divnull(20, 6)    divnull(20, 0)  divnull(20, null) 
 3.3333333333333335  NULL            NULL              
Last modified April 23, 2024 at 12:42 PM EST: updating numerical functions (2a94341)