Conditional Step Execution

Control if a step is executed in a workflow based on a set of conditions


Workflow steps normally execute in the defined order for the workflow. However, it is often useful to have certain steps only execute if predefined conditions are met. By using the step conditions capability you can control execution based on the following options:

  • Variable values
  • Table has rows or is empty
  • A document or folder exists in Document
  • A document or folder is missing in Document
  • Table query result
  • Date and time conditions are met

For variables or table query result comparisons you can use the following comparisons:

  • Equal
  • Does not equal
  • Contains
  • Does not contain
  • Starts with
  • Ends with
  • Greater than
  • Less than
  • Greater than or equal
  • Less than or equal

What is also important to note is that you can have multiple conditions that must be met in order for the step to execute. This provides a powerful tool for controlling exactly when a step should execute.

Adding and Controlling Conditions

To activate and add conditions on a step:

  1. Find the step you want to add a condition on
  2. Click the Edit Step Details (pencil) icon
  3. Select the Conditions tab.
  4. Check the Check Conditions Before Running checkbox to enable the dialog and add conditions.
  5. In the Condition Checks section on the left, select the "+" to add a New Condition
  6. Add a condition from the tabbed section on the right
  7. Repeat steps 5,6 as needed to add all your conditions

Managing Conditions

You can add as many conditions as necessary in the Conditions Check section. As you add them, it is a good idea to give them a useful name so you can find the conditions easily in the future.

Once you add a condition, select it on the left and the condition evaluation criteria will be editable on the right.

Variable Conditions

When checking variable conditions, the Value Check Parameters section must be completed so a comparison can be made.

In the Variable or Table Field fill in the variable name. Select a comparison type and enter a comparison value.

Basic Table Conditions

If the condition is checking whether a table has rows or is empty, you will also need to define the table in the Table Data Selection tab.

Advanced Table Conditions

When using Advanced Table conditions, the Value Check Parameters section must be completed so a comparison can be made.

In the Variable or Table Field fill in the field name from the table selection. Select a comparison type and enter a comparison value.

In the Table Data Selection tab, select the table and complete the data mapping section with at least the field referenced for the condition comparison.

Document Path Conditions

If the condition is checking whether a document or folder exists, this requires picking the Document account and specifying the document path to check in the Document Path tab.

Date and Time Conditions

For Date or Time selections you can add multiple conditions if a combination of conditions is necessary. For example, if you only wanted a step to run on Mondays at 2:05am, you would create three conditions:

  • Day of the week condition set to Monday (1)
  • Hour of the day set to 2
  • Minute of the hour set to 5

For "Use Financial Close Workday", set that to the xth day of the month that your close happens on. For example, if your close happens on the 5th day of the month, have "5".

Last modified November 27, 2023 at 12:56 PM EST: Restructured the file structure/a few changes (f6c58b8)