Export to CSV

Export an Analyze data table to PlaidCloud Document as a CSV delimited file


Export an Analyze data table to PlaidCloud Document as a CSV delimited file.

Export Parameters

Export File Selector

Export File Selector

The file selector in this transform allows you to choose a destination store the exported result in a PlaidCloud Document.

You choose a directory and specify a file name for the target file.

Source Table

Dynamic Option

The Dynamic option allows specification of a table using text, including variables. This is useful when employing variable driven workflows where table and view references are relative to the variables specified.

An example that uses the current_month variable to dynamically point to source table:


Static Option

When a specific table is desired as the source for the export, leave the Dynamic box unchecked and select the source table.

Table Explorer is always avaible with any table selection. Click on the Table Explorer button to the right of the table selection and a Table Explorer window will open.

Selecting a Document Account

Choose a PlaidCloud Document account for which you have access. This will provide you with the ability to select a directory next selection.

Target Directory Path

Select the Browse icon to the right of the Target Directory Path and navigate to the location you want the file saved to.

Target File Name

Specify the name the exported file should be saved as.

Selecting File Compression

All exported files are uncompressed, but the following compression options are available:

  • No Compression
  • Zip
  • GZip
  • BZip2

Data Format

Export CSV Data Format


The Export CSV transform is used to export data tables into delimited text files saved in PlaidCloud Document. This includes, but is not limited to, the following delimiter types:

  • Excel CSV (comma separated)

  • Excel TSV (tab separated)

  • User Defined Separator –>

    • comma (,)
    • pipe (|)
    • semicolon (;)
    • tab
    • space ( )
    • other/custom (tilde, dash, etc)

To specify a custom delimiter, select User Defined Separator –> and then Other –>, and type the custom delimiter into the text box.

Special Characters

The Special Characters section allows users to specify how to handle data with quotation marks and escape characters. Choose from the following settings:

  • Special Characters (QUOTE_MINIMAL): Quote fields with special characters (anything that would confuse a parser configured with the same dialect and options). This is the default setting.
  • All (QUOTE_ALL): Quote everything, regardless of type.
  • Non-Numeric (QUOTE_NONNUMERIC): Quote all fields that are not integers or floats. When used with the reader, input fields that are not quoted are converted to floats.
  • None (QUOTE_NONE): Do not quote anything on output. Quote characters are included in output with the escape character provided by the user. Note that only a single escape character can be provided.

Write Header To First Row

If this checkbox is selected the table headers will be exported to the first row. If it is not there will be no headers in the exported file.

Include Data Types In Headers

If this checkbox is selected the headers of the exported file will contain the data type for the column.

Windows Line Endings

Lastly, the Use Windows Compatible Line Endings checkbox is selected by default to ensure compatibility with Windows systems. It is advisable to leave this setting on unless working in a unix-only environment.

Table Data Selection

Data Mapper Configuration

Table Data Mapper

The Data Mapper is used to map columns from the source data to the target data table.

Inspection and Populating the Mapper

Using the Inspect Source menu button provides additional ways to map columns from source to target:

  • Populate Both Mapping Tables: Propagates all values from the source data table into the target data table. This is done by default.
  • Populate Source Mapping Table Only: Maps all values in the source data table only. This is helpful when modifying an existing workflow when source column structure has changed.
  • Populate Target Mapping Table Only: Propagates all values into the target data table only.

If the source and target column options aren’t enough, other columns can be added into the target data table in several different ways:

  • Propagate All will insert all source columns into the target data table, whether they already existed or not.
  • Propagate Selected will insert selected source column(s) only.
  • Right click on target side and select Insert Row to insert a row immediately above the currently selected row.
  • Right click on target side and select Append Row to insert a row at the bottom (far right) of the target data table.

Deleting Columns

To delete columns from the target data table, select the desired column(s), then right click and select Delete.

Chaging Column Order

To rearrange columns in the target data table, select the desired column(s). You can use either:

  • Bulk Move Arrows: Select the desired move option from the arrows in the upper right
  • Context Menu: Right clikc and select Move to Top, Move Up, Move Down, or Move to Bottom.

Reduce Result to Distinct Records Only

To return only distinct options, select the Distinct menu option. This will toggle a set of checkboxes for each column in the source. Simply check any box next to the corresponding column to return only distinct results.

Depending on the situation, you may want to consider use of Summarization instead.

The distinct process retains the first unique record found and discards the rest. You may want to apply a sort on the data if it is important for consistency between runs.

Aggregation and Grouping

To aggregate results, select the Summarize menu option. This will toggle a set of select boxes for each column in the target data table. Choose an appropriate summarization method for each column.

  • Group By
  • Sum
  • Min
  • Max
  • First
  • Last
  • Count
  • Count (including nulls)
  • Mean
  • Standard Deviation
  • Sample Standard Deviation
  • Population Standard Deviation
  • Variance
  • Sample Variance
  • Population Variance
  • Advanced Non-Group_By

For advanced data mapper usage such as expressions, cleaning, and constants, please see the Advanced Data Mapper Usage

For more aggregation details, see the Analyze overview page here.

Data Filters

Table Data Filters

To allow for maximum flexibility, data filters are available on the source data and the target data. For larger data sets, it can be especially beneficial to filter out rows on the source so the remaining operations are performed on a smaller data set.

Select Subset Of Data

This filter type provides a way to filter the inbound source data based on the specified conditions.

Apply Secondary Filter To Result Data

This filter type provides a way to apply a filter to the post-transformed result data based on the specified conditions. The ability to apply a filter on the post-transformed result allows for exclusions based on results of complex calcuations, summarizaitons, or window functions.

Final Data Table Slicing (Limit)

The row slicing capability provides the ability to limit the rows in the result set based on a range and starting point.

Filter Syntax

The filter syntax utilizes Python SQLAlchemy which is the same syntax as other expressions.

View examples and expression functions in the Expressions area.


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Last modified November 27, 2023 at 12:56 PM EST: Restructured the file structure/a few changes (f6c58b8)