Dimension Load

Load and update dimensions using data


Load and update dimensions using data from PlaidCloud tables.

Dimension Load

Dimension Selection

Specify Dimension Dynamically

To specify a dimension dynamically you include project and or local variables in the name.

Variables are useful when dimensions are updated on a periodic basis and retaining the historical view is desired.

An example that uses the current_month variable to dynamically load the dimension:


Use Specific Dimension

To use a specific dimension select the dimension using the drop down menu.

Load to Alternate Hierarchy

To load an Alternate Hierarchy fist select the dimension either dynamically or specifically, click the Load to Alternate Hierarchy checkbox and enter the name of the alternate hierarchy to be loaded.

Source Table


To specify the source table dynamically click the Dynamic Checkbox and enter the table name including the project and or local variables in the name.


To use a specific source table select the table using the drop down menu.

Dimension Properties And Table Layout

Default Consolidation Type

There are three options for consolidation types:

  • "+": Aggregates values in the dimension.
  • "-": Subtracts values in the dimension.
  • "~": No aggregation is performed in the dimension.

Table Column Format

There are two options for fomatting the Source Table when loading a dimension.

Parent Child

In a Parent Child table there are two columns that represent the dimensions structure, Parent and Child.


PARENTCHILDConsolidation Type
Parent AllParent 1~
Parnet AllParent 2~
Parent 1Child 1+
Parent 2Child 2+
Child 1Child 3+
Child 1Child 4+
Child 2Child 5+

Flattened Levels

In a Flattend Level table there are an infinte number of columns with each column representing a level of the dimension.


Level 1Level 2Level 3Level 4
Parent AllParent 1Child 1Child 3
Parent AllParent 1Child 1Child 4
Parent AllParent 2Child 2Child 5

Column Mapping

Using the Inspect Source menu button populates the Source Column in the data mapper. Once the Source Column has been populated use the Kind drop down menu to map the Source Columns to the appropriate column type.

Last modified November 27, 2023 at 12:56 PM EST: Restructured the file structure/a few changes (f6c58b8)