Organizations and Workspaces Explained

Learn about the differences between Organizations and Workspaces

Organizations are a collection of one or more workspaces. All data and projects exist within workspaces. Organizations only serve as a way to manage multiple workspaces.

Security and access controls are managed by each workspace to cater to the workspace's unique role within the organization. PlaidCloud’s workspaces aim to maximize collaboration and increase information access while restricting access to private or confidential information.

In PlaidCloud, Organizations serve as the foundation, while Workspaces are designed to help support unique needs. With PlaidCloud being a multi-tenant workspace service, it provides flexibility by eliminating the need to perform technical configurations of isolated workspace environments. PlaidCloud is designed to provide maximum collaboration and flexibility while ensuring that privacy and confidentiality are never compromised through complete isolation of people and data by workspace.

PlaidCloud’s Organizations makes managing small teams, large teams, and multinational organizations easy. It allows you to easily integrate authentication and member management into existing systems or, if you choose to, manually manage them. PlaidCloud’s multiple tiers of access control simultaneously minimizes management overhead and keeps data and activities compartmentalized.

While this may sound complex, we keep the process as simple as possible, so getting started and scaling up is not difficult.

PlaidCloud is broken down into the following levels of access control:

  1. Organization
  2. Workspaces
  3. Projects

Each progressive layer of control enables administrators to apply access controls and permissions for certain operations.

Last modified June 11, 2024 at 7:47 PM EST: adding window functions (6bcb2f2)